November 17, 2015


The Feedback Workshop was awesome!!! Went really well, and I have a shiny new shot as a result.

Also, demo reel update!

October 1, 2015

Feedback Workshop

This is Week 1 of AM's Feedback Workshop with Bobby Pontillas! Very excited! New shot in the works...

July 29, 2015

Reel Update

A project I worked on last year finally became public! So here is an updated demo reel to include those shots.

You should watch the full short film, The Little Painter. I was extremely happy to have been able to participate on this project. It was alot of fun with alot of very talented people.

March 14, 2015

Check in

It's been a little bit since I posted another shot, so I just wanted to give you a quick update.

1. I have lots of notes for my "Quick Save" shot that I will be applying soon and updating the shot.
2. I have a brand new shot in progress. 2 characters, short dialogue, in the blocking stage.
3. I am starting to plan my March AnimGym shot.

So there will be new/updated work coming soon! Stay tuned.

February 26, 2015

February 20, 2015

TRex Vanilla Walk

I wanted to tackle a simple walk cycle on a T-Rex. Here is the result. Enjoy!

Rig by Long Winter Studios.

*This has been revised.

February 17, 2015

Reel Update

That long overdue reel overhaul has finally occurred! It's short, but it's now all new material. Enjoy!

February 16, 2015

New Dialogue

Here is my latest shot. I went for some quirky dialogue this time. Enjoy!

January 5, 2015

Never Give Up #1

Here is the first "mini-short" ...or just a short shot, whatever you want to call it. Never Give Up is going to be a common theme among several.


Happy New Year 2015

Well it's a new year, so I'm starting anew. The goal is to start and finish alot more shots than last year. More work (good work) to bolster skill, workflow, and the reel. Today I am starting a new creature shot- research is presently underway and I can more or less see the shot in my head. Additionally, I am still going to do the mini-shorts I mentioned previously. Stay tuned...