November 7, 2016

Glorified Exercises

Decided to take a few of the exercises I've done recently and flesh them out to more complete shots.

Backwards Fall

Obstacle Trail Run

Plus a demo reel update.

October 30, 2016

Exercises 7

A few more exercises...




October 10, 2016

Exercises 6

I decided that, in addition to working on the list of exercises as is, I will also work on a critter version wherever applicable. So, here is the next test, plus the critter versions to catch up with the exercises I've already completed.

BREAKING A SWEAT: A character getting up from a chair

CRITTER: Getting up from a sit

CRITTER: Jumping

CRITTER: Run cycle

CRITTER: Walk cycle

CRITTER: A blink and a head turn

CRITTER: Bouncing across

CRITTER: Bouncing Loop

March 3, 2016

Exercises 5

More tests-

Breaking a Sweat: Character Jumping

Breaking a Sweat: Suicide backwards fall off a ledge

February 21, 2016

Exercises 4

More tests-

Breaking a Sweat: Walk Cycle

Breaking a Sweat: Run Cycle

February 9, 2016

Exercises 3

Here are the rest of the Basic Exercises-

BASIC: Flour Sack Jump

BASIC: A Blink

BASIC: A Head Turn

February 2, 2016

Exercises 2

Here is today's exercise-

BASICS: Cinder block sliding off a shelf, hitting the floor.

February 1, 2016

Exercises 1

Through social media, I recently found myself on a blogpost about improving your animation. I decided that I am going to do these exercises, from the top down, and post them here. I will give them all my equal attention from the humble bouncing ball to the more complicated ones. That being said, let's do this!

BASICS: Bouncing ball. Loop.

BASICS: Bouncing ball. Across the screen. 2 Bounces.